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Repairing and Maintaining Your Horse Floats

Maintaining Your Horse Float

After buying a horse float, it needs your time and attention to work properly. It is very important to inspect all parts of your horse float in detail at regular intervals in order to avoid expensive float repairs in the future.  Here are some tips for maintaining your horse floats well:

  1. Inspect the tires

Tires are the most important part of any vehicle. You need to keep an eye on the float tires, make sure they have adequate tread and do not show signs of dry rot. If any of these faults are seen, these tires need to be replaced immediately.

  1. Protection of the hitch

Any unfavorable environmental condition can lead to severe damage to your float. Thus, the float should be covered to protect it from rust and corrosion. An additional advantage to keeping your float covered also prevents it from getting stolen.

  1. Clean it thoroughly

The float should be cleaned after every drive. Starting from dusting the window frames to washing the floor and tires of the float, every action plays a crucial role in the maintenance of the float.

  1. Contact a mechanic

You should always contact a mechanic for the evaluation of your float. The breaks, springs, and bearings are parts that require proper evaluation. Hiring a professional for your horse float renovations and repairs can help you easily find any damage to these parts.

Repairing the horse float

Everyone knows that horse floats go through a very tough time when carting horses, taken down dirt roads, and being left in the harsh weather. You can make your float comfortable and safe by opting for horse float renovations. It is very important that your horse float get serviced every twelve months. 

From fixing mechanical problems to repairing damages caused by an accident, everything comes under the umbrella of repairs. It is a smart decision to mend your horse float timely otherwise even small damages lead to costly repairs.


As already mentioned, horse floats are used on rough roads, so their tires are usually the part that needs the most care. If there is a small defect like a tiny puncture, the tire can be repaired easily but if the tire has burst, it’s time you replace it with new ones.


The floor is exposed to a variety of waste products that include the soil of different areas and the urine of animals. All this eventually weakens the floor and leads to its deterioration. A horse float is useless without a strong floor, so you need to get timely repairs to the floor. This not only increases the life of the horse float but is also safe for the horses. When opting for horse float renovations consider renovating the floors so that they have higher resistance to deterioration.


Applying brakes every now and then and dealing with different types of traffic conditions can cause the brakes to fail over time. A timely inspection and repair of these brakes can save several lives.

This article just covers some basic ideas for the maintenance and repair of your horse float. Horse float renovations are the best source of maintaining floats and finding defects that need to be repaired.


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