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Showing posts from December, 2022

Horse Float Maintenance

If you require horse float repairs, the skilled craftsmen at our Caravan Fix locations are eager to assist you. Similar to caravans, horse floats endure a great deal of wear and tear. They are frequently subjected to severe wear and tear while transporting horses, being kept outside in the elements, and being hauled over rough dirt roads. Regular maintenance and service are essential! Identifying a tiny issue can prevent it from becoming a larger, more expensive ones in the future. In addition, we must keep your four-legged friend secure, happy, and comfortable. We recommend maintaining your horse float renovations once a year, depending on usage, including tests of the lights, bearings, and brakes, which will be adjusted, fixed, or replaced as necessary. The professionals can also remodel and enhance the inside and exterior. The expert’s crew can replace decaying wood panels, construct and install new coverings, and repair damaged walls and roofs. Some of the numerous uses for horse