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Showing posts from July, 2021

5 Tips to Keep Your Horse Float Clean

Cleaning Horse Floats Like everything else that you use, horse floats also need to be cleaned on a regular basis. Cleaning horse floats is not a very glorious job, but it is important to keep them clean to extend their life. A regularly cleaned and well-maintained horse float lasts longer than one that is cleaned after a longer time period. A set of chrome polishing wheel kits, brushes, and some sponges are enough to clean a horse float without spoiling the external look of the float. Caravan servicing in Sydney recommends a few tips regarding the cleaning of your horse float. Routine cleaning This is considered the most difficult task, not because it is hard to clean a horse float but, because it is not possible for everyone to take out time for this task on a routine basis. However remember, that if you perform some easy steps on a regular basis such as dropping the horse feed, removing manure, and cleaning the wet spots and manure after every trip, you will be able to increase the